Linfoma em cães:sintomas, diagnóstico e tratamento
O linfoma é um tipo de câncer em cães. Se o seu animal de estimação tiver linfoma, o prognóstico dependerá de qual tipo ele tem, onde está, até que ponto se espalhou e quão agressivo é. Neste artigo, estamos discutindo os sintomas mais comuns do linfoma canino, diagnóstico, opções de tratamento, taxas de sobrevivência e muito mais.
Abordaremos tudo o que você precisa saber sobre linfoma em cães nas seções abaixo.
- O que é linfoma?
- Causas do linfoma em cães
- Formas de linfoma em cães
- Linfoma multicêntrico
- Linfoma alimentar
- Linfoma Extranodal Diversos
- Linfoma Mediastinal
- Sintomas de linfoma em cães
- Diagnóstico de linfoma em cães
- Tratamento de linfoma em cães
- Quimioterapia
- Radioterapia
- Cirurgia
- Custo do tratamento do câncer para cães
- Prognóstico do linfoma canino
- Como lidar com o linfoma canino
- Principais conclusões
Dica profissional: Muitos planos de seguro para animais de estimação cobrem diferentes tipos de câncer, incluindo cães com linfoma. Ao se inscrever no seguro de saúde para animais de estimação, você pode dar ao seu cão o melhor tratamento para preservar sua qualidade de vida caso o pior aconteça.
O que é linfoma?
Linfoma (também conhecido como linfossarcoma ) é um dos tipos mais comuns de câncer em cães , representando 7% a 24% de todos os cânceres caninos. Desenvolve-se a partir de linfócitos, células do sistema imunológico que circulam no sangue e nos tecidos. Por esta razão, o linfoma é considerado uma doença sistêmica com mais de trinta variações conhecidas, ao invés de um tipo singular de câncer.
O linfossarcoma pode se originar em qualquer órgão, mas geralmente começa em alguma parte do sistema imunológico, como os gânglios linfáticos , fígado, medula óssea e baço. Em mais de 50% dos cães com linfoma, a doença está presente nos gânglios linfáticos. Menos comumente, ocorre nos intestinos, pele, cavidade torácica e outros órgãos.
Filhotes idosos e de meia-idade são mais propensos a desenvolver linfoma. Quase 50% dos cães com mais de 10 anos desenvolverão câncer, mas algumas raças geneticamente predispostas correm um risco maior. A lista inclui:
- Basset Hound
- Boxeadores
- Touro Mastiff
- Airedale Terrier
- Bull Terrier
- Golden retrievers
- São Bernardo
- Terrier Escocês
O linfoma canino, um dos tipos de câncer canino mais pesquisados e melhor compreendidos, é muito semelhante ao linfoma não-Hodgkin humano . Devido a essa semelhança, médicos e veterinários humanos usam quase os mesmos protocolos de tratamento.
Infelizmente, o linfoma canino não pode ser curado mas é um dos poucos cânceres de cães que podem ter longos períodos de remissão. Com o tratamento adequado, muitos animais de estimação podem desfrutar de uma qualidade de vida normal por algum tempo após o diagnóstico.

Causas de linfoma em cães
A causa do linfoma em cães não é conhecida . Os cientistas suspeitam que a causa possa ser multifatorial, já que os cães compartilham nosso ambiente. Isso significa que eles estão expostos aos mesmos fatores causadores de câncer, incluindo substâncias tóxicas como pesticidas, inseticidas, tintas herbicidas, solventes; exposição a campos eletromagnéticos ou radiação; the influence of bacteria, viruses, and immunosuppression.
Forms of Lymphoma in Dogs
There are over 30 known types of canine lymphomas , all of which vary in symptoms, aggressiveness, and survival rates. Here are the most common types of canine lymphoma that dog owners should be aware of:
Multicentric Lymphoma
Multicentric cancer is the most common type of canine lymphoma, accounting for up to 85% of all cases . It primarily affects the lymph nodes, and swollen lymph nodes are usually the first clinical symptom. If your dog displays swelling, don't panic immediately, as it could also be in response to inflammation or infection. However, you should schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to discuss your concerns as soon as possible.
Alimentary Lymphoma
Alimentary lymphoma is the second most common form of lymphoma in dogs, accounting for less than 10% of akk cases. This form of the disease targets the intestines, causing gastrointestinal lesions which result in diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss.
Miscellaneous Extranodal Lymphoma
This cancer targets a specific organ in the body, such as the central nervous system, lungs, skin, kidneys, and eyes. One of the most common types of extranodal lymphoma is cutaneous lymphoma, which affects the skin.
Mediastinal Lymphoma
Mediastinal lymphoma is a rare form of the disease. It usually causes the thymus or mediastinal lymph nodes in the chest to become enlarged.
Symptoms of Lymphoma in Dogs
The clinical signs will vary depending on the type of canine lymphoma and the organ(s) it affects . However, the most common symptoms of dogs with lymphoma include:
- Swollen lymph glands
- Perda de apetite
- Letargia
- Extreme thirst
- Drastic weight loss
In canines with multicentric lymphoma , the most obvious symptom are enlarged lymph nodes. The swellings feel like firm lumps that move freely under the skin and are not painful. Pets with this type of lymphoma might also develop fever, lethargy, weakness, dehydration, and anorexia.
Animals with alimentary lymphoma might experience vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, abdominal pain, and anorexia.
The symptoms of extranodal lymphoma will depend on which organ is affected. The most common type, cutaneous lymphoma , primarily involves the skin and can appear in a variety of lesions. The lesions can be plaques, ulcers, reddish patches, areas of hair loss and scaling, and lumps. Noticeable lesions can also appear in the lips, gums, or roof of your pup’s mouth, which may be itchy. If your dog develops this type of canine lymphoma, you might also notice raised nodules.
When the cancer affects other parts of the body, extradonal lymphoma symptoms in dogs might appear involve:
- Lungs - respiratory distress
- Central nervous system - seizures
- Kidneys - renal failure
- Eyes - blindness
- Bones - fractures and chronic pain
The clinical signs of canine mediastinal lymphoma include excessive thirst, increased urination, and swelling in the face or legs due to elevated calcium levels in the blood. Most commonly, dogs experience difficulty breathing due to excess fluid building up in the chest cavity (known as pleural effusion ), or the lymphoma itself compressing the lungs.
Diagnosis of Lymphoma in Dogs
Veterinarians usually diagnose canine lymphoma with a biopsy , or the extraction of a sample cancer cell for microscopic analysis. They might order bloodwork and additional lab tests,** such as a urinalysis, to check if the organs are functioning properly.
Some vets also recommend “staging tests” to determine how far the lymphoma has progressed throughout the body. These tests help vets understand the animal’s overall condition and identify potential health issues that might affect the cancer treatment and prognosis. Staging tests can include x-rays of the abdomen and chest, abdominal sonograms, as well as bone marrow aspiration.
The staging of lymphoma is very complicated, but in general, it follows something similar to the outline below:
There are five stages of canine lymphoma:
Stage l: A single lymph node is affected.
Stage ll: Multiple lymph nodes are affected, but only on one side of the diaphragm.
Stage lll :Multiple lymph nodes are affected on both sides of the diaphragm.
Stage lV: The spleen and/or liver become affected.
Stage V: The bone marrow, central nervous system, or other extranodal sites become affected.
Stages lll-V are more common, whereas we rarely catch and diagnose dogs in stages I and II.
Treating Lymphoma in Dogs
If your dog is diagnosed with lymphoma, they may need to see a veterinary oncologist . The oncologist will recommend suitable treatment based on the cancer’s stage and aggressiveness. The most commonly used treatment is chemotherapy but in some cases, a combination of treatments may be recommended.
Chemotherapeutic drugs are usually given by IV (intravenous) injection in order to destroy cancer cells and stop them from multiplying. Some chemotherapy treatments may also be given orally, in the form of tablets and capsules.
Most dogs tolerate chemotherapy well , but about 20% of them will experience some of the side effects that humans experience, including vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, decreased activity, and loss of appetite. Unlike humans, dogs usually don’t experience hair loss when treated with chemotherapy. The exceptions to this rule are Old English Sheepdogs, Poodles, and some Terrier breeds. Hair growth usually resumes once chemotherapy is discontinued.
Even though some pets do get sick from chemotherapy, more serious side effects are not common. If more severe side effects occur, talk to your oncology doctor or staff. They will recommend symptomatic treatment to ease these side effects or decide to reduce the dose next time chemotherapy is given.
In some cases, dogs can enter remission following chemotherapy. However, most pups suffering from this disease will have a relapse sooner or later. A second remission can be achieved in a large number of canine patients, but it is usually shorter in duration than the first one. This is due to the fact that the lymphoma cells become more resistant to the effects of chemotherapy over time.
Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy uses high-energy gamma rays to destroy cancer cells in the area affected by lymphoma. This type of therapy is painless, but the dog might experience skin irritation in the targeted area after treatment. In that case, an antipruritic may be prescribed, or the dog might be given a cone to wear to prevent them from scratching.
If the cancer is still localized, affected lymph nodes or other tumors might be surgically removed.
Cost of Cancer Treatment for Dogs
The cost of canine lymphoma treatment can be quite high, possibly more than $10,000 , especially if owners choose to explore all available treatment options. The diagnosis and treatment expenses will depend on several factors, including geographic location, the standard of care, and whether specialty hospitals are employed.
- Typically, diagnosing a dog with cancer costs about $500 but this can increase significantly if thorough investigation is required.
- The cost of chemotherapy for canine lymphoma will vary depending on the dog’s size and the selected protocol.
- On average, radiation therapy costs between $5,000 and $10,000 with some experimental approaches reaching up to $15,000.
- The cost of the surgery ranges from $1,000 to $3,000 depending on the location of the tumor and the surgeon’s degree of specialization.
Dica profissional: When people wonder whether pet insurance is worth the cost, expenses like these demonstrate its value. Plans covers illnesses such as cancer, as well as the medication required to maintain good quality of life. However, you won't be able to receive pet insurance for pre-existing conditions, so it's important to enroll your dog early, prior to the development of health issues later in life.

(Image source:Pexels)
Canine Lymphoma Prognosis
The prognosis will depend on the type of lymphoma your dog has, the cancer stage at the time of treatment, and the selected treatment .
In general, the more places the wider the lymphoma has spread, the poorer the prognosis. However, pets with very advanced lymphoma can still be treated and experience remission.
Pets in remission usually still have cancer but it has become undetectable to any available screening test. Treatment can extend your pet’s life, but it rarely cures the disease completely and most lymphoma patients will have a relapse sooner or later.
Dealing With Canine Lymphoma
Unfortunately, lymphoma is almost always fatal. However, there are certain steps pet parents can take to help their dogs after diagnosis. Your veterinarian will explain the available treatment options and what to expect as the disease progresses.
If your pet has many uncomfortable symptoms associated with lymphoma, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and lack of energy, and if the cancer has also become painful, you might want to consider euthanasia . Euthanasia is a peaceful and painless way to end your loved one's suffering. The process is similar to general anesthesia and takes no more than a few minutes. Your veterinarian can help you decide when the time is right to euthanize your dog.
If you decide not to put your dog to sleep, your vet will explain how to make your dog’s final days or weeks more comfortable with the proper use of pain medications, dietary choices, and human interaction.
Principais conclusões
- Lymphoma is a type of cancer in dogs and humans that commonly develops in the immune system.
- The symptoms of dogs with lymphoma can vary depending on the type of cancer, the organ affected, and the stage of its aggression. Typically, the first signs include enlarged lymph nodes and excessive urination due to increased thirst.
- Treatment options are available to extend the life of a dog with lymphoma, but unfortunately, the disease is eventually fatal.
- Pet insurance can help you cover vet costs if your loved one becomes sick so you can maximize their quality of life.
- If you are worried that your dog might have lymphoma, or you need more information about the disease, contact your veterinarian.
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