O guia completo para viagens aéreas com animais de estimação, discriminado por companhia aérea
Então você quer viajar para algum lugar de avião, mas não consegue imaginar deixar seu animal de estimação para trás em casa? Se você deseja levar um animal de estimação em um avião, é importante informar-se sobre as políticas e guias da companhia aérea específica com a qual você está viajando - porque, infelizmente, as regras de viagem para animais de estimação não são de tamanho único.
Sobrecarregado? Não seja. Nós temos você coberto. Aqui está um guia prático para as políticas de animais de estimação das principais companhias aéreas dos EUA.
Política de animais de estimação da American Airlines

A política oficial de animais de estimação da American Airlines:
A partir de abril de 2021, devido a mudanças de voo, os animais de estimação não serão mais verificados, exceto militares da ativa dos EUA viajando em missões. mas em condições normais:"Dependendo da raça, tamanho e requisitos dos animais, eles podem viajar como bagagem de mão, ser despachados ou transportados com a American Airlines Cargo. Com exceção de algumas restrições de raça, você só pode viajar com gatos e cães." Você pode viajar com um animal de estimação na maioria dos voos de até 11 horas e 30 minutos ou voos de/para a América do Norte, América Central e Porto Rico, St. Croix e St. Thomas.
O custo de viajar com um animal de estimação na American Airlines depende de como você deseja transportar o animal.
- Animais de estimação despachados dentro e entre os Estados Unidos e Canadá, México, América Central e do Sul e Caribe: Verifique com a companhia aérea assim que ela retomar a aceitação de animais de estimação despachados.
- Animais de estimação de mão dentro e entre os Estados Unidos e Canadá, México, América Central, Colômbia e Caribe (com base na política de entrada do país específico): $ 125 por canil
- Animais de serviço de e para todos os destinos: Sem custo.
Regras para viajar com animais de estimação na American Airlines:
- Quantos animais de estimação de mão os passageiros podem levar na American Airlines? 1 por cliente. Você pode viajar com sua caixa de transporte para animais de estimação e um item pessoal, mas não será permitido levar uma bagagem de mão, além de uma caixa de transporte e um item pessoal. Em vez disso, o canil substituirá sua bagagem de mão.
- Como os animais de estimação podem viajar na cabine da American Airlines? Os animais de estimação que viajam na cabine devem ficar em um canil, embaixo do assento em frente ao dono, durante todo o voo.
- Quanto custa levar um animal de estimação de mão na American Airlines? $ 125 por canil.
- Qual o tamanho de um animal de estimação de mão na American Airlines? O animal deve caber dentro de um canil que caiba sob o assento da frente do passageiro com quem viaja. O animal também deve ser capaz de se levantar, virar e deitar-se em posição natural em seu canil, sem tocar em nenhum lado ou na parte superior do canil.
- Que tipos de canis são permitidos na American Airlines? A AA não exige um tipo ou marca específica de canil, mas exige que os canis não dobráveis não excedam as dimensões sob o assento de qualquer aeronave incluída na viagem do passageiro e que os canis dobráveis de lado macio "cabem sob o assento sem ter para desmoronar excessivamente o canil” e os canis macios também devem “ser seguros, acolchoados, feitos de material repelente de água e ter ventilação de malha de nylon em 2 ou mais lados”. A American Airlines recomenda que os passageiros entrem em contato com as reservas para verificar as dimensões máximas de suas viagens.
- Quantos animais de estimação podem viajar na cabine em um determinado voo? A AA limita a viagem de bagagem de mão para sete canis por voo em voos da American (excluindo animais de serviço) e cinco canis em voos da American Eagle (com um máximo de um animal de estimação de mão na Primeira Classe).
- Os animais de estimação podem voar na bagagem de mão na Primeira Classe e na Classe Executiva da American Airlines? Sim, mas há restrições adicionais envolvidas. “Os animais de estimação precisam permanecer em seu canil durante o voo e precisarão ser colocados em um compartimento exclusivo para animais na frente do avião durante o táxi, decolagem, pouso e turbulência”, explica a AA sobre sua política de Primeira Classe / Executiva . Além disso, o peso combinado da transportadora e do seu animal de estimação não pode exceder 20 libras, e o animal de estimação e o canil serão pesados no check-in.
Regras para viajar com animais de estimação despachados na American Airlines:
- Quantos animais de estimação despachados os passageiros podem levar na American Airlines? 2 por cliente, desde que os animais atendam aos outros requisitos de idade, saúde e tamanho da companhia aérea.
- Quantos animais de estimação despachados a American Airlines permite em um determinado voo? Embora não existam limites máximos estritos para o número de animais de estimação despachados por voo, como há em animais de estimação de mão, a AA observa que a capacidade é limitada e que os animais de estimação despachados são aceitos por ordem de chegada, por isso é importante fazer arranjos cedo. Os passageiros que desejam despachar animais de estimação devem notificar as reservas pelo menos 48 horas antes da viagem.
- Qual documentação é necessária para despachar um animal de estimação com a American Airlines? A AA exige que os passageiros que viajam com animais despachados forneçam certificados de saúde para cada animal. O certificado deve ser emitido por um veterinário no prazo de 10 dias da data da sua viagem e no prazo de 60 dias do seu retorno para viagem com o mesmo bilhete - a regra de 10 dias se aplica se sua viagem de volta for reservada em um bilhete separado). Os passageiros que viajam com animais de estimação despachados também devem fornecer uma certificação por escrito de que seu animal de estimação foi alimentado e oferecido água dentro de quatro horas após o desembarque na companhia aérea e que o animal está "segura e visivelmente preso à parte externa do canil. "
- Que tipo de instruções você deve preparar se estiver despachando um animal de estimação na American Airlines? Qualquer pessoa que verifique um animal de estimação com AA também precisará fornecer instruções de alimentação e água por um período de 24 horas - e a companhia aérea não aceitará "sem comida ou água" como instruções, a menos que essa nota venha diretamente de um veterinário.
- Quais requisitos de tamanho a American Airlines tem em relação aos canis para animais de estimação despachados? Qualquer canil para um animal de estimação despachado deve ser grande o suficiente para que o animal fique de pé, vire, sente e deite em uma posição natural (sem tocar em nenhum lado ou no topo do contêiner) e não deve exceder os requisitos de tamanho máximo da aeronave. passageiro está viajando.
- Que tipos de canis são permitidos para animais de estimação despachados na American Airlines? A AA exige que os canis para animais verificados sejam feitos de madeira, metal, plástico ou materiais semelhantes e tenham uma porta feita de metal soldado ou fundido que seja segura e presa. O canil também deve ser fixado na parte superior e inferior com cavilhas ou parafusos e “rígido e seguro o suficiente para que o animal não possa escapar por aberturas ou enfiar qualquer parte do corpo através do contêiner”. A companhia aérea também exige que os passageiros que viajam com animais despachados prendam pessoalmente todos os quatro cantos do canil do animal com cabos de liberação (que a companhia aérea fornece). O canil também deve ter ventilação em pelo menos três lados para viagens domésticas nos EUA e em quatro lados para viagens internacionais. Em termos práticos, a AA também exige que os canis sejam à prova de vazamentos, limpos e forrados com algum tipo de material absorvente.
- O que mais preciso "embalar" para um animal de estimação despachado na American Airlines? A AA exige que os passageiros que verificam um animal de estimação incluam pratos separados para comida e água presos com segurança dentro do canil e que prendam um pequeno saco de comida (o suficiente para um período de 24 horas) na parte superior do canil.
- Vários animais podem viajar no mesmo canil quando despachados na American Airlines? A AA permite que os passageiros viajem com até dois animais de estimação no mesmo canil ao transportar animais jovens (entre 8 semanas e 6 meses), desde que sejam da mesma espécie, sejam semelhantes em tamanho e pesem menos de 20 quilos cada .
- Você deve sedar seu animal de estimação antes de despachá-lo para viajar com a American Airlines? A AA não aceitará cães e gatos domésticos que tenham sido sedados ou tranquilizados.
Consulte o site de política de animais de estimação da American Airlines para obter informações sobre restrições de aeronaves e conexões para animais de estimação despachados.
Regras para viajar com Animais de Apoio Emocional e Animais de Serviço Psiquiátrico na American Airlines:
- A American Airlines não aceita mais animais de apoio emocional ou animais de serviço psiquiátrico. Quaisquer ESAs devem viajar como animais de estimação e seguir as restrições de animais de estimação.
Regras para viajar com cães-guia treinados na American Airlines:
- Como a American Airlines define animais de serviço treinados? De acordo com a AA, "animais de serviço treinados foram especificamente treinados para desempenhar funções vitais para indivíduos com deficiência, incluindo, entre outros, deficiências visuais, surdez, convulsões, deficiências de mobilidade e transtorno de estresse pós-traumático".
- Você precisa notificar a American Airlines com antecedência se estiver viajando com um animal de serviço treinado? Para viajar com um animal de serviço, você deve enviar o Formulário de transporte aéreo de animais de serviço do Departamento de Transportes dos EUA (DOT) atestando a saúde, o treinamento e o comportamento do animal ao Balcão de Assistência Especial pelo menos 48 horas antes do seu voo.
- Quais espécies são permitidas como animais de serviço treinados na American Airlines? A partir de 15 de março de 2011, apenas cães são reconhecidos como animais de serviço sob os títulos II e III da ADA.
- Existem restrições de tamanho para cães-guia treinados na American Airlines? O animal deve caber nos pés do passageiro, embaixo do assento ou no colo (mas os animais de colo não podem ser maiores que uma criança de dois anos). Caso contrário, o passageiro pode ser solicitado a remarcar em um voo com mais assentos livres, comprar uma passagem para o animal ou transportar o animal como um animal de estimação despachado.
Outras restrições e considerações:
Restrições de destino: Se você planeja viajar com um animal de estimação na American Airlines, certifique-se de que seu destino seja elegível para viagens de animais de estimação. Em geral, a companhia aérea aceita animais de estimação na maioria dos voos de até 11 horas e 30 minutos ou voos de/para:
- Estados Unidos e Canadá
- Alasca
- América Central
- México
- Porto Rico
- S. Cruz
- S. Thomas
Para obter uma lista mais detalhada das restrições de destino, consulte a política completa de animais de estimação da American Airlines.
Restrições de raças de cães: A AA não permite que os passageiros verifiquem cães braquicefálicos ou de nariz arrebitado de qualquer "mistura". Isso inclui boxers, pit bulls, pugs e mastins, entre outras raças. Uma lista completa está disponível aqui.
Restrições de idade para cães: A American Airlines exige que os cães que viajam nos EUA e Porto Rico tenham pelo menos 8 semanas de idade. Os cães que entram nos EUA na companhia aérea de outros lugares devem ter pelo menos 16 semanas de idade.
Restrições de raças de gatos: A AA também proíbe a verificação de gatos braquicefálicos de qualquer "mistura", uma categoria que inclui gatos birmaneses, persas, do Himalaia e gatos exóticos de pêlo curto.
Restrições de idade do gato: Os gatos devem ter pelo menos 8 semanas de idade ao viajar nos EUA e Porto Rico na American Airlines.
Política de animais de estimação da Delta Airlines

A política oficial de animais de estimação da Delta Airlines:
"Decole com seu amigo favorito, mesmo que ele tenha pelo. Alguns animais de estimação podem viajar com a Delta como bagagem de mão ou enviados como carga (muito especial), dependendo do tamanho. Revise os requisitos e ligue para nós com antecedência em 800-221-1212 para providenciar para trazer seu animal de estimação."
- Animais de estimação de mão de e para os EUA, Canadá e Porto Rico: $ 125
- Animais de estimação de mão de e para as Ilhas Virgens Americanas: $ 200
- Animais de estimação de mão em voos internacionais: $ 200
- Animais de estimação de mão de e para o Brasil: $ 75
- Animais de estimação despachados para qualquer destino: "Taxas adicionais podem ser aplicadas"
- Animais de serviço: Sem cobrança. A partir de 11 de janeiro de 2021, a Delta não aceitará mais reservas de animais de apoio emocional (ESAN) em qualquer voo da Delta.
Regras para viajar com animais de estimação na Delta Airlines:
- Como os animais de estimação podem viajar na cabine da Delta Airlines? Os animais de estimação que viajam na cabine devem ficar em um canil, embaixo do assento em frente ao dono, durante todo o voo. A Delta também exige que os donos de animais de estimação mantenham seus animais em canis enquanto estiverem na área de embarque e no Sky Lounge no aeroporto.
- Quanto custa levar um animal de estimação de mão na Delta Airlines? Varia, dependendo do seu destino. Veja "custo" acima.
- Qual o tamanho de um animal de estimação de mão na Delta Airlines? Um animal de estimação de mão deve ser pequeno o suficiente para caber confortavelmente e se movimentar em um canil sem tocar ou sair das laterais do recinto.
- Que tipos de canis são permitidos na Delta Airlines? A Delta exige que os canis de mão se encaixem sob o assento diretamente na frente do passageiro e que os canis de tamanho macio ou rígido sejam à prova de vazamentos e ventilados em pelo menos dois lados. As dimensões máximas do canil de mão são determinadas pelo voo do passageiro e a Delta incentiva os passageiros a verificar com as reservas os requisitos específicos de tamanho.
- Mais de um animal pode compartilhar um canil de mão na Delta Airlines? Em geral, a Delta permite apenas um animal por canil, com duas exceções:uma gata/cão fêmea pode viajar com sua ninhada não desmamada se a ninhada tiver entre 10 semanas e 6 meses de idade e dois animais de estimação da mesma raça e tamanho que têm entre 10 semanas e 6 meses de idade podem partilhar um canil se forem compatíveis e suficientemente pequenos para partilharem confortavelmente o espaço. Animais autorizados a compartilhar um canil serão cobrados como um animal de estimação.
- Um canil para animais de estimação conta como bagagem de mão na Delta Airlines? Sim. Um passageiro viajando com um animal de estimação de mão deve contar o canil de seu animal como sua bagagem de mão. Eles ainda poderão trazer um pequeno item pessoal (como uma bolsa ou pasta) além do canil.
- Quantos animais de estimação podem viajar na cabine em um determinado voo da Delta? Os voos da Delta limitam os animais de estimação a um máximo de dois animais de estimação na Primeira Classe/Classe Executiva e quatro na cabine principal em voos domésticos e internacionais. Animais de estimação são aceitos por ordem de chegada. Ligue para a Delta com antecedência pelo telefone 800-221-1212 para providenciar o transporte do seu animal de estimação a bordo.
- Os animais de estimação podem voar na bagagem de mão na Primeira Classe e na Classe Executiva da Delta Airlines? Em voos domésticos, sim, mas não mais de dois por voo e não em cabines com assentos flatbed. Animais de estimação não são permitidos na Primeira Classe ou Classe Executiva em voos internacionais.
- Qual a idade de um animal para voar de mão em um voo da Delta? Animais de estimação viajando na bagagem de mão devem ter pelo menos 10 semanas para voos domésticos e pelo menos 16 semanas para viagens internacionais dos Estados Unidos.
Regras para viajar com animais de estimação despachados na Delta Airlines:
- Qual é a política da Delta Airlines em relação a animais de estimação despachados? A Delta não transporta animais de estimação como bagagem despachada e, em vez disso, os transporta através do serviço de transporte Delta Cargo. "Nosso serviço de transporte especializado Delta Cargo oferece transporte seguro, confiável e durante todo o ano, com serviço para atender às necessidades de todos os animais de estimação que são enviados sem seus donos." Em resposta ao COVID-19, a Delta Cargo não está aceitando remessas de animais de estimação. Verifique com a Delta para ver quando as regras podem ter mudado.
- A Delta Airlines recomenda o transporte de animais de estimação via carga? A decisão cabe ao dono do animal de estimação, mas a Delta descreve alguns dos riscos que as viagens de carga representam para os animais e incentiva os clientes a consultar um veterinário antes de reservar a viagem. “O transporte via carga pode ser estressante para os animais”, escreve a empresa. "A exposição a ambientes, pessoas e movimentos desconhecidos afeta cada animal de maneira diferente e apresenta riscos que podem levar a doenças, ferimentos, fuga ou morte. Ao obter um certificado de saúde, discuta os riscos das viagens aéreas com seu veterinário. Considere a idade do seu animal , histórico médico de condições pré-existentes e/ou se tem transtornos de ansiedade que podem ser exacerbados durante a viagem."
- Existem exceções à política da Delta de enviar animais pela Delta Cargo? Sim. Membros militares e oficiais do Serviço de Relações Exteriores do Departamento de Estado dos EUA podem despachar seus animais de estimação como bagagem por uma taxa ao viajar com ordens de transferência ativas, mas devem reservar o animal como bagagem despachada pelo menos 48 horas antes da viagem e animais de estimação despachados como bagagem devem cumprir regulamentos federais. Este serviço custa US$ 200 em voos domésticos e internacionais (US$ 150 para viagens de e para o Brasil). Mais detalhes sobre a política de animais de estimação da Delta para militares da ativa e oficiais de serviço externo do Departamento de Estado estão disponíveis aqui.
- Os passageiros podem reservar o transporte de animais de estimação no bilhete de viagem? Não. A Delta exige uma reserva separada para animais de estimação enviados como carga, que não está incluída no itinerário de voo do passageiro, e taxas e cobranças adicionais podem ser aplicadas.
- Quando os passageiros podem reservar transporte de animais de estimação na Delta Cargo? O envio doméstico de animais de estimação na Delta Cargo não pode ser reservado até 14 dias antes da partida.
- Os animais de estimação viajam no mesmo avião que seus donos quando são enviados pela Delta Cargo? Não é garantido. Os animais de estimação que viajam pela Delta Cargo devem ser deixados em um local da Delta Cargo (que é separado do check-in do passageiro) pelo menos três horas antes do horário de partida e depois retirados em um local da Delta Cargo na chegada ao destino do passageiro.
- Você pode enviar animais de estimação internacionalmente pela Delta Airlines? De acordo com o site da Delta, "A Delta Cargo aceita apenas remessas internacionais de animais de estimação de empresas de transporte conhecidas. A Delta exige que os clientes internacionais usem um remetente de animais de estimação, aprovado pela International Pet and Animal Transportation Association. Os clientes precisariam seguir os procedimentos de aceitação definidos pelo remetente. "
- Qual documentação é necessária para enviar um animal de estimação com a Delta Airlines? Delta requires customers shipping pets at cargo to provide a health certificate for the animal. The dated certificate has to be be issued by a licensed veterinarian within 10 days of transport and must include the shipper's name and address, tag numbers or tattoos assigned to the animal, the age of the animal being shipped (animals must be at least 8 weeks old and fully weaned for domestic shipping travel), a statement that the animal is in good health, a list of administered inoculations, when applicable, the signature of the veterinarian.
- What kinds of instructions should you prepare if you're shipping a pet on Delta Airlines? Customers hoping to ship their pet through Delta Cargo must complete a live animal checklist and confirm that their animal has been offered food and water within 4 hours of check-in. Customers shipping animals must also provide Delta with feeding and watering instructions for a 24-hour period and food for in-transit feeding, if necessary.
- Should you sedate your pet before shipping it for travel with Delta Airlines? Because the use of pet tranquilizers at high altitudes is unpredictable, Delta requires written consent from a vet to sedate any animal shipped through Delta Cargo. What's more, the airline doesn't allow the sedation of shipped household dogs and cats at all.
Rules for traveling with Emotional Support Animals and Psychiatric Service Animals on Delta Airlines:
- Delta no longer recognizes emotional support or animals as service animals beginning Jan. 11, 2021. Any ESAs must travel as pets and follow the pet restrictions.
Rules for traveling with Trained Service Animals on Delta Airlines:
- Do you need to notify Delta Airlines in advance if traveling with a trained service animal? Customers must submit the U.S. DOT Service Animal Air Travel Form for validation prior to their flight attesting to the animal's health, training, and behavior.
- What species and breeds are allowed as trained service animals on Delta Airlines? As of Jan. 11, 2021, Delta will only accept trained service animals that are dogs.
- Are there size restrictions for trained service animals on Delta Airlines? The size of the animal must not exceed the "footprint" of the passenger's seat.
- What documentation is required to fly with a trained service animal on Delta Airlines? Customers must submit the U.S. DOT Service Animal Air Travel Form for validation prior to their flight attesting to the animal's health, training and behavior.
More information about Delta Airlines' service animal policies and FAQs are available here.
Other restrictions and considerations:
Destination restrictions: Pets aren't allowed to travel in cabin on Delta Airlines flights to (this does not include trained service animals):
- Australia
- Barbados
- Dakar
- Dubai
- Hong Kong
- Iceland
- Jamaica
- New Zealand
- Republic of Ireland
- South Africa
- United Kingdom
- United Arab Emirates
- Hawaii
See a full list of destination and connection restrictions on Delta Airlines here.
Species restrictions: Delta allows household birds on domestic U.S. flights only excluding Hawaii, US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam. They must be able to fit in a small, ventilated pet carrier that fits under the seat in front of you.
Age restrictions: Delta doesn't impose a maximum age limit for animals traveling by air, but notes that impaired vision or hearing, heart, liver or kidney disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, senility, and weakness can often impact older animals and strongly encourages passengers traveling with older animals to consult a vet.
Breed restrictions: Delta does not permit brachycephalic (snub-nosed) dogs and cats and their mixes on Delta or Delta Connection flights. See Delta Cargo for a full list of restricted dog and cat breeds.
Weather restrictions: Delta imposes seasonal restrictions on pet travel for the animals' safety and doesn't ship animals during extreme weather, including temperatures that exceeds 80˚F (27˚C) or fall below 20˚F (-7˚C). Delta also requires a Certificate of Acclimation for animals traveling when temperatures fall between 20˚F (-7˚C) and 45˚F (7˚C).
United Airlines Pet Policy

- Carry-on pets: $125
- Checked pets to any destination: United has suspended all pet shipping and military pet transportation until further notice.
- Service animals: No charge
Rules for traveling with carry-on pets on United Airlines:
- What animals are eligible to ride in-cabin on United Airlines? Per United's website, "In-cabin pets are domesticated cats and dogs that travel in the aircraft cabin with a customer." Birds and rabbits are no longer allowed.
- How can pets ride in-cabin on United Airlines? Pets riding in the cabin must stay in a kennel, under the seat in front of their owner throughout the entire flight.
- How much does it cost to bring a carry-on pet on United Airlines? $125
- Can a passenger fly with more than one pet on United Airlines? Yes, technically—but they would have to buy an extra seat and pay the additional $125 pet fee. Even then, the second pet would have to stay under the extra seat, not in the seat next to its owner.
- How big can a carry-on pet be on United Airlines? A carry-on pet must be small enough to fit comfortably and move around in a kennel without touching or protruding from the sides of the enclosure.
- What kinds of kennels are allowed on United Airlines? United allows both hard-sided and soft-sided kennels, but either way, the kennel must fit completely under the seat in front of the customer and remain there at all times. The maximum dimensions for hard-sided kennels are 17.5 inches long x 12 inches wide x 7.5 inches high (44 cm x 30 cm x 19 cm). The recommended maximum dimensions for soft-sided kennels are 18 inches long x 11 inches wide x 11 inches high (46 cm x 28 cm x 28 cm). Soft-sided pet carriers may exceed these dimensions slightly, as they are collapsible and able to conform to under-seat space without blocking the aisle (on Boeing 737 MAX 9 aircraft, soft-sided kennels must be no higher than 10 inches).
- Can more than one animal share a carry-on kennel on United Airlines? Only one pet is allowed in a kennel.
- How many pets can ride in-cabin on a given United flight? United only notes that pet travel is booked on an "as available" basis.
More details about United Airlines' in-cabin pet policies are available here.
Rules for traveling with checked pets on United Airlines:
- What is United Airlines' policy regarding checked pets? United, as a general rule, does not transport pets as checked luggage and instead transports them via its PetSafe service. As of April 2021, PetSafe has been suspended.
- Are there exceptions to United's policy of shipping animals through its PetSafe program? As of April 2021, military pet transport through PetSafe has been suspended.
- Are there any health restrictions for pets flying through United's PetSafe program? United requires original health certificates for all cats and dogs, and they need to be issued and signed by a licensed veterinarian. Unites says "older pets and very young pets are more sensitive to stress from traveling. We recommend talking with your vet about additional health screenings your pet might need and to learn about their health risks during their trip."
- Are there breed restrictions for pets flying through United's PetSafe program? Yes. There are many breeds that United and PetSafe will not accept. See the full list here.
- Is every travel booking eligible for PetSafe? United will not accept PetSafe itineraries with more than three segments (or two connections). Moreover, to comply with the Animal Welfare Act, dogs and cats are required to have a comfort stop if the total length of their journey is more than 24 hours.
- What kind of crate is required when shipping pets through United's PetSafe problem? United requires animals traveling through PetSafe to use an approved crate that meets United Airlines, USDA, and International Air Transport Association (IATA) requirements and recommends purchasing one directly through Petmate. United requires PetSafe users to submit photos of their kennel for pre-approval after booking. Crates cannot be larger that 34 inches high and must be large enough for the animal inside to stand, turn around normally while standing, sit up and lie down in a natural position.
- Can more than one animal share a crate using United's PetSafe program? Generally, no. The only exception is that two kittens or puppies younger than six months can travel in a crate together as long as they're similar in size and weigh less than 20 pounds each, but the crate must be large enough for the animals to move around freely.
- What documentation is required to ship a pet with United Airlines? United requires several documents for animals traveling via PetSafe, including:
- A scanned copy of their completed, signed and dated Customer Acknowledgement Form
- A scanned copy of their pet's original health certificate issued and signed by a licensed veterinarian who examined their pet within 10 days of travel (or a shorter timeframe if required by the destination country)
- A digital photo of their pet's travel crate so United can give the customer guidance on how to make sure it meets PetSafe's crate requirements.
- A digital photo of their pet clearly showing their face to verify the breed.
- What kinds of instructions should you prepare if you're shipping a pet on United Airlines? United requires customers to attach certification stating the last time the animal was offered food and water to the outside of the crate. Owners are also required to attach any special feeding or watering instructions needed for their animal's care. More information about what's allowed and not allowed in the crate of an animal using PetSafe if available here.
- Should you sedate your pet before shipping it for travel with United Airlines? According to United's website, "United supports the American Veterinarian Medical Association's (AVMA) recommendation to not transport pets that have been sedated. We will not accept cats or dogs that have been sedated or that appear to be sedated."
Rules for traveling with Emotional Support Animals and Psychiatric Service Animals on United Airlines:
- United does not transport emotional support animals. Emotional support animals follow the same restrictions as pets.
Rules for traveling with trained service animals on United Airlines:
- How does United Airlines define a trained service animal? "A service animal is a dog, regardless of breed or type, that is over the age of 4 months and individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a qualified individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual or other mental disability."
- Do you need to notify United Airlines in advance if traveling with a trained service animal? No, but it's always helpful when possible.
- What species and breeds are allowed as trained service animals on United Airlines? Service animals are dogs only.
- Are there size restrictions for trained service animals on United Airlines? United's website doesn't specifically list size restrictions for trained service animals, but it's safe to assume that, as on other airlines, the animal must be able to fit at the passenger's feet, under their seat, or in their lap (but lap animals can't be larger than a two-year-old child). United's website says the service dog is required to be seated in the floor space directly in front of the ticketed passenger's seat seat or within the ticketed personal space.
Other restrictions and considerations:
Destination restrictions: United only allows in-cabin pets on select flights and notes that they aren't permitted on "flights to, from or through Hawaii and some international cities."
United also reminds customers that they are responsible for complying with all applicable state and country entry requirements when traveling with a pet.
Passenger restrictions: United doesn't allow pets to travel with unaccompanied minors.
Age restrictions: United requires puppies and kittens traveling in-cabin as pets to be at least four months old at the time of travel.
Breed restrictions: United does not allow many dog and cat breeds to fly as a part of its PetSafe program, citing health and behavioral issues as the reason for restrictions. See the full list here.
Weather restrictions: United's PetSafe program monitors the weather conditions and assess each location's ability to handle pets during extreme weather. They may change your pet's planned travel date or their route if temperatures aren't safe. They won't accept reservations to and from the following airports between May 1 and September 30, due to high temperatures:
- Las Vegas (LAS)
- Palm Springs (PSP)
- Phoenix (PHX)
- Tucson (TUS)
Southwest Airlines Pet Policy

The official Southwest Airlines pet policy:
"Southwest Airlines allows small vaccinated domestic cats and dogs to travel with you in-cabin under the seat in front of you. All pets must be carried in an appropriate carrier."
- Carry-on pets: $95
- Service animals: No charge
Rules for traveling with carry-on pets on Southwest Airlines:
- How can pets ride in-cabin on Southwest Airlines? Pets riding in the cabin must stay in a carrier, under the seat in front of their owner throughout the entire flight.
- How much does it cost to bring a carry-on pet on Southwest Airlines? $95
- How big can a carry-on pet be on Southwest Airlines? A carry-on pet must be small enough to fit comfortably and move around in a kennel without touching or protruding from the sides of the enclosure.
- What kinds of kennels are allowed on Southwest Airlines? Southwest limits pet carriers to maximum dimensions of 18.5 inches long x 8.5 inches high x 13.5 inches wide. Both soft-sided and hard-sided carriers are allowed, but must be leak-proof and well-ventilated and small enough to fit under the seat in front of the passenger. The airline recommends its custom Southwest Airlines Pet Carrier.
- Can more than one animal share a carry-on kennel on Southwest Airlines? Yes. Southwest permits customers to transport two cats or dogs, as long as the animals sharing the carrier are the same species. Customers are limited to one carrier per passenger.
- Does a pet kennel count as your carry-on luggage on Southwest Airlines? Southwest allows customers to count their kennel as either their carry-on luggage or their "small personal item." Per the Southwest website:"Pet carriers are considered either a personal item or a carryon item. A Customer may board the aircraft with either a pet carrier and a personal item or a pet carrier and a regular size carryon bag. A Customer may not board the aircraft with a pet carrier, a regular size carryon bag, and a personal item. The pet carrier must conform to all carryon baggage regulations."
- How many pets can ride in-cabin on a given Southwest flight? Southwest's policy is not to book more than six scheduled pet carriers per flight.
- Can pets travel in-cabin on international flights on Southwest? Southwest doesn't allow in-cabin pets to travel on any international flights.
- How old does an animal have to be to fly carry-on on a Southwest flight? Dogs and cats traveling as carry-ons must be at least 8 weeks old to fly Southwest.
- What are the health requirements for pets flying carry-on via Southwest? Southwest does not currently require any documentation or health records for animals flying as pets.
Rules for traveling with checked pets on Southwest Airlines:
- What is Southwest Airlines' policy regarding checked pets? Southwest does not permit pets to travel as cargo.
Rules for traveling with Emotional Support Animals on Southwest Airlines:
- As of March 1, 2021, Southwest Airlines no longer accepts emotional support animals. Any animal that is not a trained service animal must travel as a pet.
Rules for traveling with trained service animals on Southwest Airlines:
- How does Southwest define a service animal? "A fully trained service animal is individually trained to perform a task(s) or work for a person with a physical and/or mental disability. Only dogs are accepted as trained service animals."
- Do you need to notify Southwest Airlines in advance if traveling with a trained service animal? No, but a customer traveling with a trained service animal must present a complete Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation form at the ticket counter or gate on the day of travel.
- What species and breeds are allowed as trained service animals on Southwest Airlines? Only dogs are accepted as trained service animals.
- Are there size restrictions for trained service animals on Southwest Airlines? The animal must be able to fit at the passenger's feet, under their seat, or in their lap (but lap animals can't be larger than a two-year-old child).
- What documentation is required to fly with a trained service animal on Southwest Airlines? A customer traveling with a trained service animal must present a complete Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation form at the ticket counter or gate on the day of travel.
More information about Southwest Airlines' service animal policies and FAQs are available here.
Other restrictions and considerations:
Species restrictions: Southwest only allows dogs and cats to travel aboard its aircrafts as pets.
JetBlue Pet Policy

The official Jet Blue pet policy:
"Small dogs and cats may travel in the cabin in an FAA-approved pet carrier that fits comfortably under the seat in front of you. Only one pet per customer is allowed.."
- Carry-on pets: $125
- Service animals: No charge
Rules for traveling with carry-on pets on JetBlue:
- How can pets ride in-cabin on JetBlue? Carriers must be placed below the seat in front of you during taxi, take-off, and landing. You may hold the carrier on your lap during the flight. If you purchase an extra seat for your pet, the carrier may be placed on the additional purchased seat during the flight.
- How much does it cost to bring a carry-on pet on JetBlue? $125.
- What species are allowed to travel as pets on JetBlue? JetBlue only accepts small cats and dogs for pet travel.
- What documentation is required for a pet to fly in-cabin on JetBlue? Your pet will need ID tags and a pet license. Depending on your destination, you may also need your pet's vaccination and documentation records
- How big can a carry-on pet be on JetBlue? A carry-on pet must be small enough to fit comfortably and move around in a kennel without touching or protruding from the sides of the enclosure.
- What kinds of kennels are allowed on JetBlue Airlines? Your pet and approved pet carrier count as one personal item and must fit under the seat in front of you. Your pet carrier cannot exceed 17 inches L x 12.5 inches W x 8.5 inches H and the combined weight of your pet and the carrier must not exceed 20 pounds.
- How many pets does JetBlue allow per passenger? JetBlue allows only one pet per passenger. The airline notes that it does make rare exceptions to this rule and encourages guests wishing to fly with multiple pets to call 1-800-JETBLUE (1-800-538-2583) for more information.
- Does a pet kennel count as your carry-on luggage on JetBlue? Yes. JetBlue counts the pet and its carrier as one carry-on bag.
- How many pets can ride in-cabin on a given JetBlue flight? JetBlue allows a maximum of four pets per flight and says "the fourth and final pet must be booked at the airport at the ticket counter within 24 hours of departure and is available on a first-come, first-served basis."
- Can pets fly carry-on in JetBlue Mint flights? Pets are not allowed in Mint.
Rules for traveling with checked pets on JetBlue:
- What is JetBlue's policy regarding checked pets? All pets travel in the aircraft cabin on board JetBlue flights—the airline does not ship live animals as cargo or in the bellies of any aircraft.
Rules for traveling with Emotional Support Animals and Psychiatric Service Animals on JetBlue:
- JetBlue accepts trained service dogs only.
Rules for traveling with trained service animals on JetBlue:
- How does JetBlue define a trained service animal? " A service animal has been trained to perform a specific task to assist the customer traveling."
- Do you need to notify JetBlue in advance if traveling with a trained service animal? No, but it's always helpful when possible.
- What species and breeds are allowed as trained service animals on JetBlue? Under the ADA, only dogs and, in some cases, miniature horses are permitted as service animals, but JetBlue doesn't list these or other restrictions on its website regarding trained service animals.
- Are there size restrictions for trained service animals on JetBlue? JetBlue doesn't outline size restrictions for ESAs and PSAs, but it's reasonable to assume that, as on other airlines, the animal must be able to fit at the passenger's feet, under their seat, or in their lap (but lap animals can't be larger than a two-year-old child) and that, if the animal is traveling in a kennel, it must fit under the seat in front of the passenger.
- What documentation is required to fly with a trained service animal on JetBlue? JetBlue must be notified that you're traveling with a service animal and receive the U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form no later than 48 hours prior to departure.
More information about JetBlue's service animal policies here.
Other restrictions and considerations:
Destination restrictions: JetBlue does not accept pets on flights to Barbados and Trinidad &Tobago.
Interline flights: "Pets are not accepted on interline/codeshare bookings (a single itinerary including both JetBlue and partnership airline flights), regardless of where and how the reservation was booked."
Benefits of traveling with a pet on JetBlue: TrueBlue members can earn 300 extra points per flight segment for adding a pet to their booking.
JetBlue also offers a pet travel guide for customers, available here, that includes information about etiquette of flying with a pet as well as a guide to pet-friendly hotels and pet hospitals in many major cities.
Spirit Airlines Pet Policy

The official policy:
"We want you to be able to take your favorite furry friend with you when you travel. That's why we allow small domesticated pets to travel on all domestic flights including Puerto Rico and St. Thomas, U.S.V.I. in the guest cabin."
- Carry-on pets: $110
- Service animals: No charge
Rules for traveling with carry-on pets on Spirit Airlines:
- How can pets ride in-cabin on Spirit Airlines? Pets riding in the cabin must stay in a kennel, under the seat in front of their owner throughout the entire flight.
- How much does it cost to bring a carry-on pet on Spirit Airlines? $110
- What documentation does Spirit Airlines require for pets flying in-cabin? While Spirit Airlines does not require a health certificate for pets traveling in-cabin (except for guests traveling to USVI), it does require a rabies vaccination certificate for pets traveling to Puerto Rico.
- What species are allowed to travel as pets on Spirit Airlines? Spirit allows domestic dogs domestic cats, small household birds (except to/from Puerto Rico and the U.S.V.I. ), small domestic rabbits (except to/from Puerto Rico and U.S.V.I) to fly in-cabin as pets.
- How big can a carry-on pet be on Spirit Airlines? Spirit requires that animals traveling in cabin be able to stand upright and move about comfortably in their kennel or carrier.
- What kinds of kennels are allowed on Spirit Airlines? Spirit Airlines requires that pet containers fit under the guest's seat and not exceed 18 x 14 x 9 inches. The airline only allows soft containers in the cabin—but not the type that allows the pet's head to remain outside.
- How many pets does Spirit Airlines allow per customer? Spirit limits passengers to one pet carrier each, but allows up to two pets per carrier.
- Can more than one animal share a carry-on kennel on Spirit Airlines? Yes. Spirit allows up to two animals per carrier, but the combined weight of the pet(s) and carrier may not exceed 40 pounds.
- Does a pet kennel count as your carry-on luggage on Spirit Airlines? Yes. A passenger traveling with a carry-on pet must count their animal's kennel as their carry-on item.
- How old does an animal have to be to fly carry-on on a Spirit Airlines flight? Pets traveling carry-on must be at least 8 weeks old and fully weaned.
Rules for traveling with checked pets on Spirit Airlines:
- What is Spirit Airlines' policy regarding checked pets? Spirit Airlines does not allow pets to travel as cargo.
Rules for traveling with Emotional Support Animals and Psychiatric Service Animals on Spirit Airlines:
- As of Jan. 11, 2021, emotional support animals (ESAN) will be required to travel as pets per updated Department of Transportation requirements.
Rules for traveling with trained service animals on Spirit Airlines:
- How does Spirit Airlines define a trained service animal? "A dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a qualified individual with a disability, including psychiatric service animals."
- Do you need to notify Spirit Airlines in advance if traveling with a trained service animal? You will need to complete and submit the U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form 48 hours before your flight.
- What species and breeds are allowed as trained service animals on Spirit Airlines? Only dogs will be accepted as trained service or psychiatric service animals.
- Are there size restrictions for trained service animals on Spirit Airlines? On Spirit Airlines, service dogs can sit on their owner's lap, if they're not larger than a lap child or be placed on the aircraft floor, provided it does not block an aisle or other area that must remain clear for emergency evacuation or extend into another guest's foot space (unless that guest gives consent allowing it to do so).
- What documentation is required to fly with a trained service animal on Spirit Airlines? You will need to complete and submit the U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form 48 hours before your flight.
More information about Spirit Airlines' service animal policies are available here.
Other restrictions and considerations:
Species restrictions: Although Spirit allows household birds to fly as pets, it does not allow farm poultry, waterfowl, game bird, birds of prey, and flightless birds aboard its aircrafts. Exotic pets such as snakes, spiders, rodents, etc. will also not be accepted.
Allegiant Air Pet Policy

The official policy:
"Allegiant welcomes domestic dogs and cats only in-cabin."
- Carry-on pets: $50 per segment
- Service animals: No charge
Rules for traveling with carry-on pets on Allegiant Airlines:
- How can pets ride in-cabin on Allegiant Airlines? Pets riding in the cabin must stay in a kennel, under the seat in front of their owner throughout the entire flight and while in the airport. Passengers with pets are required to check in with an Allegiant agent at the ticket counter or gate counter at least one hour prior to scheduled departure.
- How much does it cost to bring a carry-on pet on Allegiant Airlines? $50 per segment.
- What species are allowed to travel in-cabin as pets on Allegiant Airlines? Allegiant only allows domestic dogs and cats to travel on board as pets.
- How big can a carry-on pet be on Allegiant Airlines? A carry-on pet must fit comfortably in its carrier and may not protrude from the carrier.
- What kinds of kennels are allowed on Allegiant Airlines? All pets must be transported in a soft-sided or hard-sided enclosed leak-proof carrier. Allegiant strongly suggests a soft-sided carrier. The carrier may be no larger than 9 inches H x 16 inches W x 19 inches D.
- How many pets are allowed per passenger on Allegiant Airlines? Allegiant limits passengers to one pet carrier, but that carrier can contain up to two animals.
- Can more than one animal share a carry-on kennel on Allegiant Airlines? Allegiant allows up to two animals per carrier.
Rules for traveling with checked pets on Allegiant Airlines:
- What is Allegiant Airlines' policy regarding checked pets? Allegiant Airlines does not transport animals in the cargo bin.
Rules for traveling with Emotional Support Animals and Psychiatric Service Animals on Allegiant Airlines:
- As of Jan. 11, 2021, Allegiant Airlines no longer accepts emotional service animals. Any non-service animal must travel as a pet and meet the pet restrictions.
Rules for traveling with trained service animals on Allegiant Airlines:
- How does Allegiant Airlines define a trained service animal? "A service animal is a dog, regardless of breed or type, that is individually trained to do work or perform task for the benefit of a qualified individual with a disability,"
- Do you need to notify Allegiant Airlines in advance if traveling with a trained service animal? Allegiant requires the U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form to be emailed to [email protected] at least 48 hours prior to scheduled departure.
- What species and breeds are allowed as trained service animals on Allegiant Airlines? Dogs only.
- Are there size restrictions for trained service animals on Allegiant Airlines? The animal may only occupy the foot space of the disabled passenger and is prohibited from encroaching on the foot space of another passenger.
- What documentation is required to fly with a trained service animal on Allegiant Airlines? Allegiant requires the U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form to be emailed to [email protected] at least 48 hours prior to scheduled departure.
More information about Allegiant Airlines' service animal policies are available here.
Frontier Airlines Pet Policy

- Carry-on pets: $99
- Service animals: No charge
Rules for traveling with carry-on pets on Frontier Airlines:
- How can pets ride in-cabin on Frontier Airlines? Pets riding in the cabin must stay in a kennel, under the seat in front of their owner throughout the entire flight.
- How much does it cost to bring a carry-on pet on Frontier Airlines? $99
- What species of animals are allowed to fly in-cabin on Frontier Airlines? Domesticated dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, or small household birds may be carried on flights within the United States. The following species are never accepted:Large birds (e.g. parrots, macaws, cockatoos, birds of prey), rodents (including mice, rats, squirrels), beavers, ferrets, reptiles (including snakes), amphibians, spiders, and insects (and please, no lions, tigers, or bears). Only domesticated dogs and cats may be carried to or from international destinations.
- How big can a carry-on pet be on Frontier Airlines? A pet flying in-cabin must be small enough to stand, turn around and lie down in a natural position inside the carrier.
- What kinds of kennels are allowed on Frontier Airlines? Maximum dimensions for a pet container are 18 inches length x 14 inches width x 8 inches height. Frontier recommends the container be a soft-sided case.
- Does a pet kennel count as your carry-on luggage on Frontier Airlines? Yes. A passenger traveling with a carry-on pet must count their animal's kennel as their carry-on item. They will still be allowed to bring one small personal item (like a purse or briefcase) in addition to the kennel or another carry-on bag for an additional fee.
Rules for traveling with checked pets on Frontier Airlines:
- What is Frontier Airlines' policy regarding checked pets? Frontier Airlines doesn't allow pets to fly as cargo.
Rules for traveling with Emotional Support Animals on Frontier Airlines:
- Frontier Airlines no longer accepts emotional support animals. Any non-trained service dog must travel as a pet and meet pet restrictions.
Rules for traveling with trained service animals on Frontier Airlines:
- How does Frontier Airlines define a trained service animal? "Only dogs will be accepted as a service animal which are trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a qualified individual with a disability. This includes psychiatric service animals."
- Do you need to notify Frontier Airlines in advance if traveling with a trained service animal? Passengers traveling with a service dog must complete and submit the DOT's Service Animal Air Transportation Form, attesting to the dog's health, behavior, and training. For reservations booked more than 48 hours prior to travel, Passengers must submit the completed Form no later than 48 hours prior to travel. For reservations booked less than 48 hours prior to travel, passengers must submit the completed Form in person to a Customer Service Agent upon arrival at the airport.
- What species and breeds are allowed as trained service animals on Frontier Airlines? Dogs only.
- Are there size restrictions for trained service animals on Frontier Airlines? The animal can be placed on the customer's lap (provided the animal is no larger than a child under the age of two) or on the aircraft floor provided it does not extend into the aircraft aisle, occupy an empty aircraft seat or encroach upon a neighboring seat, or eat off seatback tray tables.
- What documentation is required to fly with a trained service animal on Frontier Airlines? Passengers traveling with a service dog must complete and submit the DOT's Service Animal Air Transportation Form, attesting to the dog's health, behavior, and training. For reservations booked more than 48 hours prior to travel, Passengers must submit the completed Form no later than 48 hours prior to travel. For reservations booked less than 48 hours prior to travel, passengers must submit the completed Form in person to a Customer Service Agent upon arrival at the airport.
More information about Frontier Airlines' service animal policies are available here.
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