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O melhor carrinho de bebê da Amazon, de acordo com nosso especialista em animais de estimação

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Cortesia Amy Shojai

Levar animais de estimação para passear ficou mais fácil. Torne os passeios de cães e gatos mais divertidos para todos com um carrinho de bebê seguro, elegante e confortável.

Quer viajar com seus animais de estimação?

Como escritora profissional e consultora de animais de estimação, passo muito tempo viajando para conferências veterinárias, editoriais e de redação para animais de estimação. Adoro aprender sobre minha área (incluindo tudo, desde sacos de cocô de cachorro até guloseimas calmantes para cães), mas odeio deixar meu cachorro e gato em casa. Claro, eu consigo levar um pouco deles comigo em minhas roupas cobertas de pele, mas isso não é exatamente o mesmo.

Não é à toa, então, que eu me apaixonei pelo conceito de carrinhos para animais de estimação. É uma solução perfeita para cães menores e gatos confiantes poderem viajar com seus humanos. Agora que meus animais de estimação atuais se encaixam em um carrinho de bebê, tanto em tamanho quanto em personalidade, eu queria testar um para Karma-Kat e Shadow-Pup.

Com muitos eventos ao ar livre de verão na minha área, sei que eles gostariam de passear em vez de ficar em casa. Depois de pesquisar vários modelos, escolhi o HPZ Pet Rover para testar como um dos poucos disponíveis capazes de acomodar animais de estimação maiores.

O que é o HPZ Pet Rover?

O HPZ Pet Rover é um carrinho de passeio para animais de estimação de alta qualidade, muito parecido com um carrinho de bebê tradicional, mas com alguns recursos importantes para conforto e segurança do animal de estimação. Chegou em um grande recipiente de papelão que pesava cerca de 25 quilos e cabia facilmente no banco de trás do meu carro.

Uma vez montado (tudo o que eu precisava fazer era encaixar as rodas e colocar o eixo traseiro), o elegante buggy azul e preto parecia impressionante. A estrutura de alumínio leve permitiu que ele se movesse sem esforço, mas a estrutura sólida e o tecido pareciam resistentes. Você pode usar o carrinho com o dossel aberto ou fechar a parte superior para manter seu animal de estimação contido dentro. Para armazenamento, a construção de alumínio resistente e antiferrugem se dobra para facilitar o transporte.

Como testei o carrinho de bebê

Cortesia Amy Shojai

Como primeiro teste, o Pet Rover rolou sem esforço em pisos de ardósia da cozinha, com um raio de giro apertado por causa das rodas dianteiras multidirecionais. Não notei diferença no tapete. Eu realmente gostei do freio fácil de usar. Basta pisar em uma barra horizontal e trava as rodas traseiras. Um levantamento suave com o dedo do pé destrava as rodas. Se você estacionar em qualquer tipo de inclinação, o carrinho não decolará sem você.

Eu esperava que o carrinho funcionasse bem dentro de edifícios, mas queria testar em superfícies mais desafiadoras. Além disso, eu me perguntava como o peso adicional do meu gato de 14 libras e do cachorro de 55 libras afetaria a função.

Temos um pátio de tijolos na parte de trás de nossa casa com um enorme jardim de rosas cercado por uma cerca em processo de reconstrução. Por causa do redesenho, os caminhos apresentam terra nua, sulcos de escoamento de água e – depois de uma chuva – muita lama. O campo de testes perfeito para o HPZ Pet Rover.

Como o cão e o gato reagiram ao carrinho de estimação

Cortesia Amy Shojai

Eu tinha dois amigos peludos para convencer, e como tudo que meu cachorro vê o gato fazer, ele quer copiar, o gato foi primeiro. Enchi o interior do carrinho com as guloseimas favoritas de Karma-Kat, depois o coloquei dentro e fechei o dossel, prendendo-o com os fechos. Eles eram rígidos, mas relaxam com o uso. Karma se opôs e empurrou o rosto contra a rede, procurando uma maneira de escapar. He’s an inside-only cat, but has always wanted to explore, and I hoped the stroller would make that a safe option for him. The stroller easily navigated out the kitchen door onto the brick patio, and almost immediately, Karma settled down, enthralled by new scents and sites.

As expected, the HPZ Pet Rover worked perfectly on the brick patio. We went “off road” onto the dirt pathway, complete with mud and gravel from recent storms. It surprised me how easily the stroller maneuvered on the uneven ground, turning with no problem, and with little jarring even over rough areas. Karma gave it four paws up! We rolled back into the kitchen, unhooked the still-stiff canopy fasteners, and let Karma take a break. Next came Shadow’s turn.

While enthralled by the idea of his cat friend inside, it took some effort to convince Shadow to take a ride. He’s a young athlete and prefers his four paws to the stroller. He also sits taller than the closed canopy, so an open-carriage ride worked best, though I did secure him with the stroller’s tethers to prevent him from attempting to leap out. Shadow’s added weight made no difference in maneuverability on solid, even surfaces of patio, kitchen, and carpet. It became more difficult to turn the stroller on the uneven, rough terrain, but not too bad.

HPZ Pet Rover product features


The pet stroller was designed for dogs and cats. It weighs 23 pounds and, when folded, measures 40 inches tall, 25 inches wide, and 13 inches deep. When fully assembled and ready to roll, dimensions measure 40 inches tall, 30 inches long, and 23 to 25 inches wide (narrower in the front). The canopy measures 15 inches high from the surface of the inside pet area.

Most pet stroller allow for only small and lightweight animals, but the HPZ Pet Rover’s sturdy frame and high-quality fabric hold up to 75 pounds. The design can expand to give your large single dog space to stretch out, or you can use the space for multiple smaller pets.

Safety and security

To keep pets secure, two buckle straps hold the top canopy in place while the pets view the world through viewing screens. They’re rather dark, making it difficult to see inside, but offer shade and UV protection. You can open the weather-resistant canopy fully (270 degrees) or only partially. Snaps secure the canopy open to one of three positions. That gives pets an open air ride and provides you with easy access to your pet without cumbersome zippers.

The inside area, water-resistant and scratch-proof, has two washable pet pads. You can use one or both for extra protection and comfort. There are two tether straps to secure one or two pets by their harness for safety. There’s also a plastic step-up for the pet in front of a zippered mesh front entrance area. Alternatively, this flips up to use as a feeding station.

Storage and maneuverability

A large fabric under-basket hangs suspended beneath the carriage, perfect for holding pet supplies and healthy treats. Extra pockets and a cup holder on the handle allow for plenty of storage, and you can adjust the reversible handlebar the way you like. The automotive-grade solid rubber wheels require no inflation and work for slippery surfaces or even stairs.

The HPZ Pet Rover glides on sidewalks and maneuvers like a champ over gravel, grass, and rougher terrain. The larger rear wheels have been vibration-tested to reduce the jarring ride common in competitor strollers. The rear axle includes a step-on safety brake to lock the wheels. Two front wheels swivel 360 degrees for easy steering, but can lock in place for a better ride on rough surfaces. Wheels include three-year free replacement.


What we liked about the HPZ Pet Stroller:
  • Solid yet lightweight construction
  • Very little assembly required, with snap-on wheels
  • Easy maneuverability, even with heavy weight added
  • Multiple ways to adjust for the specific pet’s needs
  • Easy to fold up for storage or car transport
  • Ideal for single or multiple small pets
  • Great option for larger dogs with ambulatory issues (seniors, or those recovering from surgery)


What to consider about the HPZ Pet Stroller:
  • Ships in an enormous box, so plan for help to unload
  • Expanding the rear compartment may pose a tip-over hazard
  • Best to provide pets with training for improved acceptance


How do I assemble the HPZ pet stroller?

Courtesy Amy Shojai

I’m not mechanical, and worried the assembly would challenge my skills. However, once open, the stroller pulled out of the box mostly complete. It came folded, and following the directions, I opened it to put on the rear axle, four wheels, and a storage basket. At first I put the rear axle on upside-down (I told you I’m not mechanical!) but re-doing the assembly took no time at all. The wheels snapped into place with no tools needed, as did the cup holder.

How do I collapse the HPZ pet stroller?

To collapse the HPZ Pet Stroller for storage, find the bright red metal bar at the back—it’s above the brake—and the structural bar that’s somewhat hidden by the storage basket. Step firmly on the red bar while grasping the front frame and rear handlebar, and the pet stroller folds. Flip forward to clip the folding lock on the right side of the handlebar to secure it in place.

Are pet strollers safe?

Pets should not be unattended in any stroller. Bored dogs could chew their way out and rambunctious pets might tip over the ride. Strollers parked on an incline could roll away on their own if not locked in place. And for strollers that fold up for storage, beware the possibility of it closing or collapsing unexpectedly with a pet inside. I like the HPZ Pet Rover for its attention to safety:rear wheel locks to prevent runaways; a Safety Lock to prevent collapse/folding; and a caution to ensure the weight remains balanced during the expansion of the pet space.

What other reviewers had to say

Courtesy Amy Shojai

Verified purchaser Skypilot282 says, “Fantastic stroller! Perfect for a few small pets or a single large dog like ours. It fits my baby perfectly and there is extra space when he lays down, so he can now sleep comfortably in the stroller. Very well-designed and solid for long walks even with inclement conditions (rain and mud, even slush). It’s the best decision I’ve made, I love this stroller, and my dog loves it too!”

Amazon reviewer KD78 felt hesitant at first:“After having three pet strollers, I know exactly what my dog would appreciate in a stroller and what I appreciate in a stroller as well. So I took the plunge and I’m sooo glad that I did. It is worth every penny! I appreciate how this company has thought of every detail and didn’t compromise quality!”

Product comparison

The HPZ Pet Rover comes in various styles and sizes. They upgraded this version from the award-winning original version to allow for larger pets. The redesign also addressed reviewer concerns about maneuverability on rough terrain, and now allows the front wheels to lock for better stability. They eliminated the zipper opening, replaced it with the quick-release clips for faster access to pets through the canopy. The plug-and-play assembly design makes it easy for anyone (including me!) to snap on wheels and be ready to roll within less than 10 minutes.

Final verdict

While it costs more than others on the market, you get what you pay for. I’m in love with the HPZ Pet Rover. It’s easy to put together, easy to store, and easy to use—a triple play that my pets appreciate too. I feel secure in their safety and I love that I can bring them more places.

Where to buy the HPZ Pet Rover pet stroller

The HPZ Pet Rover stroller costs between $263 to $313 depending on color or extra features—like an expandable back section to the pet space. You can find the stroller I reviewed, plus several other versions, at both Walmart, and Amazon.

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