Os cães podem beber leite? Aqui está tudo o que você precisa saber
A bebida pode ser cheia de benefícios para os humanos, mas os cães podem beber leite - ou o leite é ruim para os cães? Em última análise, depende do sistema digestivo do cão, então a resposta muda caso a caso. É improvável que beber uma pequena quantidade seja tóxico para os animais de estimação, mas nunca deve ser consumido em grande volume, e alguns cães devem evitá-lo completamente.
Tudo se resume à lactose - um açúcar natural encontrado no leite - e à capacidade do seu cachorro de digeri-lo. Continue lendo para saber como saber se seu cão é intolerante à lactose, quanto leite é seguro para cães com estômagos fortes e mais detalhes sobre a presença de laticínios na dieta dos cães.
- Os cães podem beber leite ou são intolerantes à lactose?
- O que causa intolerância à lactose em cães?
- Quais são os sintomas de intolerância à lactose em cães?
- O leite faz mal ou os cachorros?
- Quanto leite os cães podem tomar?
- Que tipo de leite os cães podem beber?
- Quais laticínios são seguros para cães?
- O que fazer se seu cachorro beber leite
- Principais conclusões
Dica profissional: Um plano de seguro para animais de estimação pode cobrir o custo de testes e gerenciamento de alergias, além de ajudá-lo a pagar cuidados veterinários para muitas outras doenças e lesões cobertas em sua apólice.
Os cães podem beber leite ou são intolerantes à lactose?
Muitos cães podem consumir leite em pequenas quantidades com segurança, mas outros são intolerantes à lactose , o que significa que seu sistema digestivo não produz níveis suficientes de uma enzima chamada lactase que tem a tarefa de quebrar o açúcar no leite, ou lactose .
Os laticínios são a principal fonte de reações alimentares adversas dos cães, de acordo com o VCA Animal Hospitals. A gravidade de cada resposta depende de quão bem o trato digestivo do cão pode processar a lactose e quanto açúcar está presente na comida ou bebida específica, pois os níveis variam dependendo de como o produto lácteo é feito. Alguns cães não podem beber leite porque o teor de açúcar é muito alto, embora possam tolerar outros tipos de laticínios (como queijo cottage) perfeitamente devido aos seus níveis de lactose significativamente mais baixos.
O que causa intolerância à lactose em cães?
A intolerância à lactose é causada por moléculas de açúcar não digeridas que viajam pelo trato gastrointestinal (GI) porque não podem produzir enzimas suficientes para quebrar os nutrientes para absorção na corrente sanguínea. Quando entra no cólon, a água é então atraída para a molécula de açúcar não digerida, levando a uma perda de retenção de água nas paredes dos tecidos, inflamação do intestino grosso e diarréia que consiste em fezes moles e aquosas - uma condição também conhecida como colite em cães.
Por que os cachorros podem beber leite?
The reason why puppies can drink milk, though many mature dogs cannot, is because puppies have an abundance of lactase enzymes that break down their mother's milk while nursing. Once they are weaned, their bodies will produce less of the enzyme to adjust to its new nutritional demands, at which point many dogs develop an intolerance.

Puppies can drink milk strictly from their mother because it's full of antibodies and necessary nutrients for healthy development. Cow's milk and other dairy sources can cause unpleasant effects on a puppy's delicate digestive system.
But, what happens if a puppy is orphaned? In circumstances where a safe alternative must be found in lieu of the mother's milk, commercial replacements are a better option than cow's milk for puppies. That's because milk from a dog is richer in calories and essential proteins, plus it's much easier for pups to digest than dairy sources. Be sure to consult your vet before choosing a suitable milk replacement for newborn puppies.
What are the symptoms of lactose intolerance in dogs?
Pets can't tell us when they're not feeling well, so it's important to keep an eye on their behavior in order to recognize the clinical signs of illness, including adverse reactions to food. The symptoms of lactose intolerance in dogs can range from mild to severe, and most often appear as:
- Loose stools
- Diarréia
- Vômitos
- Bloating
- Flatulence
- Dor abdominal
- Cramping
- Dehydration
- Letargia
- Falta de apetite
How to recognize lactose intolerance in dogs
Most of the time, pet parents don't knwow their dog can't drink milk until they obviously demonstrate the symptoms of lactose intolerance after consuming dairy. However, some dogs only display a mild intolerance with less clear symptoms. A vet's diagnosis is the only way to know for certain whether your dog can drink milk without issue, but you may be able to recognize the signs if you notice any of these red flags:
- Diarrhea in lactose-intolerant dogs is typically present within 12 hours of dairy consumption.
- Sudden drooling or the licking of surfaces might be a sign of nausea due to changes in the gut.
- If your dog is extra gassy or appears more bloated than usual, it could caused by a higher volume of gases produced by bacteria during the fermentation of sugar in the bowels.
- Abrupt weight loss might occur if your dog experiences a change in appetite that causes them to eat less so they can avoid GI troubles.
In other cases, lactose intolerance may be confused with a dairy allergy in dogs , which refers to the inability to tolerate the proteins in milk and can be far more serious. In addition to the symtoms above, dogs with dairy allergies might display signs such as:
- Red, inflammed skin
- Itchiness and scratching
- Colmeias
- Facial swelling
- Dificuldade em respirar
If you notice any of these adverse reactions, call your vet immediately or head to a local animal hospital. It it may lead to anaphylactic shock, an emergency medical condition that's potentially fatal without expedient treatment.
Is milk bad for dogs?
Many dogs are lactose-intolerant to at least some degree, but it should still be offered very judiciously to dogs that have stronger stomachs with no dairy sensitivity. Though they may be able to tolerate the sugar and protein, whole milk has a high fat content that could trigger vomiting and diarrhea nonetheless. It's also high in calories due to the fat and sugar content, so if dogs drink milk or eat dairy frequently, they could develop obesity or pancreatitis.

Aside from the possible long-term health consequences, dogs can drink milk safely so long as they don't have a dairy allergy and it's fed in small amounts. To stay on the safe side, be sure to speak with your vet before introducing new foods into your pet’s diet .
How much milk can dogs have?
With your vet's approval, dogs can drink a few sips of milk as an occassional treat. A few tablespoons of milk from time to time probably won’t cause them any harm, but offering larger quantities may lead to negative, short- and long-term effects.
As with all treats, it’s a good idea to follow the 90/10 rule and limit your pet’s treat intake to no more than 10% of their total daily calories .
What kind of milk can dogs drink?
There are several different types of milk beverages, and as plant-based sources become increasingly available, many pet parents wonder if their pups can also drink almond milk, oat milk, soy milk, and similar lactose drink replacements.
Can dogs drink almond milk?
Almond milk is one of the most popular plant-based types of milk, but can dogs eat almonds? Although these nuts aren't toxic to dogs, canines generally don’t digest them very well. Almonds are also high in fat, which can result in weight gain and pancreatitis if consumed in big amounts.
However, small amounts of almond milk (a couple of tablespoons) should be fine if offered as an occasional treat . Make sure to read the ingredient list of almond milk to check if it contains added sugar or xylitol, an artificial sweetener that's very harmful in dogs.
Can dogs drink oat milk?
Oat milk is another plant-based dairy alternative that is safe for dogs to drink in small quantities, as it could be difficult to digest in large volume. Oats are not toxic to canines, so this could offer a good lactose substitute for weaning puppies who like the taste as well as dogs who need additional calories to meet their nutrition requirements.

Can dogs drink coconut milk?
Coconut milk won’t harm your pet if you served in moderation . Dogs can eat coconut for the many different benefits it offers - from a softer, shinier coat to alleviated skin irritation - but keep in mind, coconut contains oils that could cause GI upset and diarrhea if dogs consume too much.
Make sure to check the ingredient list before offering your dog coconut milk, as some brands can be overly processed and can contain additives that your dog doesn’t need.
Can dogs drink soy milk?
In general, dogs digest soy products well, so soy milk in moderate quantities is not harmful to dogs. In fact, many commercial dog foods contain soy-based ingredients.
This non-dairy, plant-based milk alternative contains proteins called isoflavones that are known to reduce cholesterol in humans and, according to anecdotal evidence, can help with urinary incontinence in dogs. Some vets might even recommend supplements containing isoflavones.
Can dogs drink goat's milk?
As with all dairy products, moderation is key. Compared to cow's milk, goat’s milk is higher in some nutrients such as potassium and calcium, but lower in others, like folate and vitamin B12. Goat’s milk also contains less lactose than cow’s milk, and proponents claim that because of the differences in its protein and fat structures, lactose-intolerant dogs can drink milk from a goat with less likelihood of sensitivity and allergic reaction due to an easier digestive process.
If you’re interested in feeding your dog goat’s milk, start with a small amount to see how they tolerate it, and only serve it from time to time.
Dica profissional: If your pup snacks on something they shouldn’t, pet insurance is one way you can cover the cost of gold-standard veterinary care that may be necessary for the surgical removal should a foreign body lead to intenstinal blockage.
What dairy products are safe for dogs to eat?
Generally speaking, it’s safe to feed dogs a small amount of dairy on special occasions, as long as they do not have any known food sensitivities. It's best to offer dogs dairy products that have low lactose content, such as plain yogurt (4 grams per 1/2 cup), cottage cheese (3 grams per 1/2 cup), and cheddar cheese (0 grams of lactose).
Dogs can eat cheese in most varietals thanks to its low lactose levels, and yogurt is often beneficial in dogs with stomach upset because it contains prebiotics that can alleviate gas or diarrhea.
It may be tempting to give your dog a bite of ice cream, but be very careful and make sure to check the label for chocolate and xylitol beforehand. These two toxins are very common and extremely dangerous in canines, so exerise caution wherever it may be present.
What to do if your dog drinks milk
If your dog gets their paws on a large helping of milk, monitor for symtpoms of abdominal distress. Gastric upset will generally occur within about 12 hours after a dog drinks milk but can last for much longer, so prepare for frequent trips outside so your poor pup can relieve themselves. If you notice these signs of lactose intolerance, or a change in behavior possibly caused by dairy's adverse effects, call your vet right away.
Principais conclusões
- In general, milk served in small amounts should not cause any harm to dogs. However, many dogs are lactose-intolerant, so it is best not to give your pet milk without testing for lactose intolerance first.
- Both normal milk and lactose-free milk, as well as other dairy products like cheese and ice cream, contain fat and should only be given occasionally in small amounts as treats.
- Pups can also safely consume small amounts of plant-based milk such as soy milk, coconut milk, and almond milk.
- Talk to your vet before feeding any new human foods, and seek veterinary care if your pet starts to show signs of lactose intolerance.
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